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Visit www.rebeccaglancy.com to read the full-length essay "A Day at the Park."

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

Here are some things I like about visiting my parents (besides seeing my parents):

It is very dark at night.  There are no street lights outside our bedroom window; no cars pass.  It is blissful.

There is a two hour time difference between my parents’ time zone and ours at home, and my parents have a satellite dish.  This means that I can stay up “late” without getting too tired and watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report with my husband.

 I have not gained as much weight since high school as the classmates I bump into.

At breakfast I can watch the horses gambol in the pasture beyond my parents’ back fence.

My pixie haircut seems unconventional and daring.

My kids are so happy to be here.

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